Emergency Dentist
Serving Fort Walton Beach, FL

CALL OUR OFFICE AT 850-518-3278 OR Book Appointment

If you have a dental emergency that you feel is serious and it is outside of our normal hours, we recommend that you proceed immediately to the nearest hospital emergency room. The emergency room can usually stabilize the situation or provide pain relief until you can contact our office.

At Bright Smiles Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, we are a full-service emergency dentist who can treat most dental emergencies or evaluate your condition and provide any needed referral. Dental Emergencies we treat include dental pain and swelling; damage to teeth due to trauma, grinding, or biting on hard objects; loss or damage to fillings, crowns, and other restorative devices; loose teeth or restorations. If you need assistance, please feel free to give us a call or visit our office today! We are proud to see patients throughout Fort Walton Beach, Destin, Mary Esther, Niceville, Navarre, and Crestview, FL.

Guidance on Common Dental Emergencies

I. Dental Pain and Swelling

If you are experien cing pain, it is essential to contact our office immediately. Dental pain indicates a condition that needs to be treated and will worsen without treatment in nearly all cases. Untreated Dental conditions can also have serious consequences to your general health.

II. Tooth Knocked Out by Impact (Avulsed tooth)

1. If a tooth has been knocked completely out of the mouth, it is essential to see our office immediately. This condition damages tissues, nerves, and blood vessels. If the tooth can be placed back into its socket quickly enough there is a chance the tooth may be saved.

2. Some Steps to Take:

  • Call our office immediately
  • Pick up the tooth or crown and rinse it under warm water. Do not touch the root of the tooth.
  • If possible, place it back into its socket – if you cannot replace it then place it in your cheek pouch until you can be seen in a dental office.
  • If the tooth cannot be placed in the mouth, keep it moist by placing into a cup of milk, water, or saliva to keep the tooth from drying out.
  • We will try to replace the tooth in its natural socket if this is possible or we may recommend root canal therapy and a restoration.

III. Lost filling or Crown

  • Lost fillings or crowns are usually caused by decay of the tooth, can be very painful, and should be treated as soon as possible. If the crown is out of the mouth for a long period of time, the teeth may sustain further damage.
  • Please keep the crown and bring to your appointment; we may be able to reinsert it.
  • Do not use any kind of glue to reattach the crown.
  • We will check the crown to see if it still fits and reattach if able. Decay will be treated and a new crown made if needed.

IV. Cracked or Broken Tooth

1. A cracked or broken tooth is generally caused by impact, trauma, grinding, or biting. Cracked or broken teeth should be treated as soon as possible.

2. Steps to Take for a Cracked or Broken Tooth.

  • Call our office right away for an evaluation.
  • If you have a piece of your tooth in hand you may r inse the tooth fragment and the mouth with lukewarm water and apply gauze if there is bleeding.
  • Any swelling and pain may be treated with a cold compress.

V. Tooth that is Loose

Please call our office as soon as possible to make an appointment. A loose tooth condition is usually caused by trauma or decay, it might be possible to save it with early treatment. If the tooth is not treated it increases the chances for needing root canal therapy.